How to Extend Hair Longer

pretty pixie style a la style Anne Hathaway had become the trend of recent
years but until now still quite a lot of Indonesian women who long long hair
long decayed. Crown women can indeed be one of the charm of their beauty,
especially if allowed to grow long because it will make the concerned look
beautiful and feminine. How to quickly lengthen hair can be tried if you want
to make long and beautiful hair as shampoo advertising model on television in
the not too long.

Olive oil

Olive oil is very effective as one of the
fastest ways to lengthen hair in 1 week. Way, drip olive oil to taste on clean
hair and scalp, massage gently to keep olive oil in the pores of the skin well.
Allow the night and the next day wash the hair back to clean.

Green tea

Green tea has a high antioxidant content and
serves as a protective hair from the bad effects of free radicals also
facilitate blood circulation. Thus the hair growth will become faster and
fertile. Ways:

Pour green tea leaves to taste in accordance
with the length of your hair short;

Let stand overnight or until stale;

The next day use green tea to wash your hair
as well as your scalp after washing your hair first.


Egg yolk-laden protein is not only healthy
for our body but also useful to nourish hair while making long hair long. Use
organic egg yolk or chicken eggs as natural creambath ingredients. Apply on
your scalp and hair and then let stand for half an hour. Finally rinse hair
until clean and no more fishy smell.

Apple skin

You may have heard that the most nutritious
part of the apple is on the skin. The highest content of antioxidants and
polyphenols is in the skin of the fruit, and you can use it as a material to
care for your hair beauty as well as accelerate hair growth. ways:

  • Collect apple skin then blend with a blender
    with a little water added

  • Use this herb to grease the scalp until the
    ends of hair until evenly distributed
    Let stand for 20 or 30 minutes before rinsing

  • In order for nutrients in the apple skin can
    be absorbed perfect should wash your hair first.